A Little More from Ecuador Part 2

Golden-tailed Sapphire 11-24-2017-1724

Golden-tailed Sapphire

Here’s the other half of my previous post. Maybe it doesn’t hurt to remember there is still a lot of beauty left in the world. Hummingbirds are a good place to start. A Golden-Tailed Sapphire above and a Many-Spotted Hummingbird below.

Another beauty is the White-Tailed Hillstar.

In my next life, if I return quickly, maybe I can study butterflies.

Perhaps less spectacular but still interesting, a Western Wood-Pewee, Barred Antshrike and Deep Blue Flowerpiercer.

Another unique species below: the Thrush-Like Wren.

I have seen Cliff Flycatchers before but do not remember seeing the gray on the face like I did on this bird.

We were lucky to see a Chestnut-Eared Aracari which was not on our list.

Reality check. Tomorrow I am going to what promises to be a colder-than-last-year Gull Frolic, as we have chilled down again after two rather balmy days. With any luck I will get some fun photos to share with you. Fun as in Frantic Gulls. Until then, I wish you peace, safety and beauty wherever you are.

Many-spotted Hummingbird 11-24-2017-1784

Many-Spotted Hummingbird

P.S. A Blackburnian Warbler on the left (“distracters” on this trip!) and a Social Flycatcher on the fly.

Back from Nicaragua II

Pacific Parakeets 02-22-2016-2699Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back here. There’s more to come after this brief post too. For a relatively short trip, a little over a week, how could I be so buried in photographs? I’m beginning to wonder how I will ever make it through spring migration.

Here are a few birds in the hand…and in the field. First bird below is a Barred Antshrike. This was a new Antshrike for me!

Another new bird for my life list was this Black-Striped Sparrow. For those who do not think captured birds should be added to one’s life list, I did see both of these species out of the hand as well, although I did not get photographs of those.

The bird below looks much like the Turquoise-Browed Motmot in my last post from Nicaragua, but this bird is actually a Blue-Crowned Motmot. Perhaps the most easily noticeable difference between the two species upon first sight is the shortness of the tail between the base and the two paddles at the end – much shorter on this bird. The blue in the crown is easier to see on the closeup at the bottom of this post. This bird is bluer on the back than the Turquoise-Browed Motmot which has a rufous patch on its back.

Below is a Mottled Owl. Another new bird! We were fortunate enough to find him sitting about waist-high right next to the trail.

Mottled Owl 02-22-2016-2628After this second morning tending the nets, we took a trip to Chocoyero, a protected area, to see the nesting site of the Pacific Parakeets. It was exciting to watch them fly in and out in pairs.

The trail also provided interesting vegetation…

I would not have been able to get the pictures of the Pacific Parakeets flying into their nests without my monster lens. But that meant capturing everything else, like the trees above, with my cellphone.

The FOOD WAS WONDERFUL all week long. Below is a picture I took of my first lunch or dinner at Montibelli, now I can’t remember which… I was eating basically vegetarian and was happily well fed every day wherever we were.

IMG_1590Here’s a better view of the royal blue on the crown of the Blue-Crowned Motmot.

Blue-Crowned Motmot CLOSE 02-22-2016-3719

I’ll try to be back much sooner now that I think I’ve rediscovered everything. To be continued…