Stragglers in the City

CONW 6-3-15-4297Unexpected. There are reports of migrant warblers every now and then, here and there, but the warblers are, for all practical purposes, gone except for the few that stay to start families. But after reading every day about a Connecticut Warbler that continued to hang out, for over a week, in the parking lot of a Holiday Inn downtown, I finally got on the subway last Wednesday afternoon and went to see it for myself. It was not my first Connecticut Warbler, but its sheer persistence persuaded me.

CONW Clinton & Harrison 6-3-15-4325

Connecticut Warbler, Holiday Inn, Chicago parking lot

If I regret anything about my visit it was my failure to record his song, because he was a strong, adamant singer and he would knock off a few phrases every five minutes or so.

CONW Clinton & Harrison 6-3-15-4317

For those who are into identifying warblers by their undertail coverts…

For all I know the Connecticut could still be there, although there have been no reports since Saturday. Below is a handsome Gray Catbird that popped out at the Holiday Inn parking lot as well.

GRCA Clinton & Harrison 6-3-15-4258

Gray Catbird

The stragglers I encountered almost every day the past two weeks were White-Throated Sparrows. Yesterday they were gone from 155 N. Wacker, but I still heard one singing, of all things, at Union Station. I tried to report it in ebird on my phone app but gave up when it kept challenging me. So much for citizen science.

WTSP 6-4-15-4400

A lingering White-Throated Sparrow

Perhaps my favorite late warbler in terms of chutzpah was the little Ovenbird below who made the berm by the bicycle rack at Union Station his territory. He was still singing last week. His habitat wasn’t all cigarette butts but I found it rather poignant that he could endure them.

OVEN with cigarette butts, Union Station 6-3-15-4381

Ovenbird at Union Station

Also last week, there was a Chestnut-Sided Warbler at 155 N. Wacker. That was a special treat, even if that space, always in the shadows, made him difficult to photograph.

CSWA 155 N Wacker 5-27-15-3853

Chestnut-Sided Warbler

CSWA 155 N Wacker 5-27-15-3845

There was a female Common Yellowthroat too: a furtive, not-always-so-common sight.

Female COYT Union Station 5-27-15-3731

Common Yellowthroat

Below is my last first-year male American Redstart at 155 N. Wacker.

AMRE 155 N Wacker 5-27-15-3770

The Union Station Ovenbird was just a delight to hang out with. I miss his cheery song already.

OVEN 6-4-15-4414

I haven’t heard or seen him this week, so I hope he has moved on to better territory.

OVEN 6-4-15-4420The forecast is for hot, rainy, muggy weather this week. I don’t know if I’m quite ready for the mosquito onslaught.

6 thoughts on “Stragglers in the City

    • Thanks, HJ. It’s been an on-again, off-again migration due to the iffy weather. If it stops raining I’ll have to start getting adjusted to taking pictures in sunlight. “-)

    • But now just a few days later…they are all gone, and it’s kind of sad, nothing to look for on the way in to the office. I look and listen anyway but there’s no point in stopping.

    • I think it’s been a very weird weather situation and that’s affected migration, certainly. Sorry you haven’t seen more species. As for Indigo Buntings, they seem to be abundant this year.

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