Cabin Fever Blues, Second Verse

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Just when I was about ready to fall off the deep end of my inertia, I looked out the back window and saw this Cooper’s Hawk sitting in my redbud tree. So I guess there could be some advantage to cabin fever after all. Seeing as how I never get to see this character that my neighbor has often told me shows up every afternoon…

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Cooper's 1-26-14 3519.jpg-3519Too bad the pictures had to be taken through the back window and a screen, but the bird sat there long enough for me to grab the camera and the lens and even appeared to be yawning, probably from the cold more than boredom with the photo shoot.

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22 thoughts on “Cabin Fever Blues, Second Verse

    • Thanks, and thanks to my fancier 70-300mm lens. But now I guess I have to invest in photoshop because it caught light reflecting on the screen and I have a few shots with a cross right in the middle of the hawk’s eye… Luckily I took enough other shots. He was yawning so much I was about to start shooting a movie but then he took off. I guess that was his limit. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Get Photoshop Elements. Much cheaper, just as good and very user friendly. Glad you bought that lens. It will definitely help you get more great shots.

      • Thanks for the good advice, Bob. I am a bit weary of software for the moment but I’ll probably invest soon… Yesterday I was buying more long underwear online. !

  1. Lovely images! I now how hard it is to get good clear images of all birds of pray. I like to get some of your cabin fever here. Great fine and beautifully captured, Michael ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Nice shots Lisa! I’ve seen a Cooper’s Hawk on my deck chasing birds on foot between the flower pots,just two days ago! I didn’t have my camera ready to take a shot. ๐Ÿ™‚

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