I See The Light(room)

Millennium Park Crow

Millennium Park Crow

Over the past few days I’ve been struggling to figure out the new laptop and its operating system/software…making illogical mistakes as I go, losing sleep. I hanker for some of those missing keys like “home” and “end” while I’m typing too but I suspect there are substitutes to be discovered later. Oops, just found one – control-arrow.

Lurie Garden in Winter

Lurie Garden in Winter

It’s the kind of annoying stuff I dream about as the unsolved problems keep recirculating in the background of everything else I do. Reminds me of years ago when I first learned how to type on a PC, I was blocking and copying in my sleep…

Yesterday morning on the way in to work, my brain muddled with questions about why this or that wasn’t working logically, after a frustrating session trying unsuccessfully to move photos from iPhoto into Lightroom… suddenly about two blocks away from the office came the clarion call: “CAW, caw-caw.” One of my Loop Crows. My mind cleared immediately. I stopped to smile because the Crow’s presence put me directly in the moment. When I first looked up, I could not see him. He cawed again, with the same phrase (“CAW, caw-caw” has been the Crows’ announcement of my presence for years). Then the Crow flew to the top of the nearest lamp post ahead of me. As it happened, I was carrying peanuts, so I removed my gloves and laid a few choice nuts on the sidewalk next to the trash bin. He would have to wait until rush hour had subsided before he could fetch them, but somehow I knew he would. I had to thank him for clearing my mind. And confirming that I am so well-trained.

Millennium Park Crow with Peanuts

Millennium Park Crow with Peanuts

The photos are from the last two days’ afternoon excursions to Millennium Park and have nothing whatsoever to do with the post, except that I am so excited to be able to process things again. And I have no one but yesterday’s Loop Crow to thank, because he cleared my mental block.

Millennium Park-2376-2376

Of course I purchased books to learn all the new stuff and started reading online help forums, but in the end I managed last night to intuitively figure things out myself, maybe nudged slightly by things I had read. But in general I tend to resist direction and submit to trail and error. Whatever it is or was, I am now in control of the photos I loaded on to the new laptop and looking forward to taking on the Trip Photo Task this weekend.

House Sparrows

House Sparrows

I still credit the Crow for enabling me to stop my circular thinking long enough to find a solution.

American Robin

American Robin

It was a sign, too, last night after I realized that the San Francisco symphony concert was playing Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G, which is one of my all-time favorite pieces of music. Although not what I might have chosen to accompany my victory over the software problem, it still confirmed my elation.

Female Cardinal

Female Cardinal

The Loop Crows were waiting again for me this morning on the way in: there were two of them this time. I crossed the street to where they were hanging, but thought better of leaving peanuts on the sidewalk, crossed back and was on my way when one reminded me loudly that I could still leave some peanuts somewhere. I put a few on top of a transformer box. It just occurred to me that there are cameras on every corner recording traffic and pedestrian activities. “Look at this. There she is again. Leaving peanuts.”

White-Throated Sparrow

White-Throated Sparrow

We are experiencing a bit of a thaw. The warmer temperatures are welcome.

House Sparrow

House Sparrow

I hope to return soon with safari snapshots.

Crow with Peanut-2322.jpg-2322

P.S. Elation made it no better, I was up late again. My indoor birds would like you to know that they have had enough.