More City Visitors Part II

Scarlet Tanager

Daley Bicentennial Plaza, my old haunt, has been as slow as everywhere else with this year’s tepid migration. But it’s still my favorite place to go at lunch, and over the last week or so, I’ve had some nice birds.

Yellow-Throated Vireo

Like this Yellow-Throated Vireo capturing and swallowing a crunchy bug.

A day or two later, there were two male Scarlet Tanagers haunting the ash trees. One of them appears at the beginning of this post.

Today just as I entered the park, I heard a singing Tennessee Warbler. I found him and managed to capture him with my point-and-shoot. Not an easy task, but I have been taking a couple days off from the heavy camera this week, the power of suggestion planted by NATO preparedness. Monday I won’t be able to carry a backpack on the train, so it will be the small camera or nothing.

Tennessee Warbler

Perhaps the birds find the smaller camera less intimidating. This Brown Thrasher was in the park yesterday, and although he was trying to avoid me and preen under this bush, he wasn’t too bothered by my picture-taking.

Brown Thrasher

Then yesterday morning two of my now-buddies from 155 N. Wacker managed to ham it up in the same frame.

Gray Catbird and White-Throated Sparrow

Yesterday was hot and steamy. Today was on the chilly side. Tomorrow is predicted to be sunny and moderate in temperature. The quest continues.

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