A Little Gray-Necked Wood Rail, Please

Gray-Necked Wood-Rail, Belize, March 9, 2014

Gray-Necked Wood Rail, Belize, March 9, 2014

I don’t know, would the first thing you noticed about this bird be its Gray Neck? This most spectacular-looking creature made itself available nearly every day we walked by a partially flooded section near the road not far from the lodge where we were staying. I think it would take me several pages to accurately describe what this bird looks like and I still could not convey it. But I don’t know if I would start with the gray neck as being the most striking feature…

Check out the black that runs under his belly and up his tail. I mean, is this bird fancy or what?

As I recall there were several comments among participants about desiring these colors for interior decorating schemes.

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If it weren’t for the pink legs, maybe this bird would be well-camouflaged against this chaotic background.

11 thoughts on “A Little Gray-Necked Wood Rail, Please

    • Thank you, Syl, lovely comment. It’s such a delicate palette and yet so varied, when I first started going through the pictures I thought to myself, this bird looks almost imaginary!

    • Thank you. I was just thinking it would have been okay if the bird was named like the Australian Fairy Wrens – I would have bought Splendid Wood Rail or Superb Wood Rail. 🙂

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