Magic Tree II

Allopreening Blue-Capped Cordonbleu 11-22-13 6754.jpg-2

Blue-Capped Cordonbleus, allopreening

At first it bothered me that it was going to take “forever” to go through all the pictures from my trip but now that the omnipresence of a nasty winter has taken hold, escaping virtually to the tropics has even more allure. If it takes me ten or fifteen minutes to figure out a bird identification, so be it.

Buff-Bellied Warbler

Buff-Bellied Warbler

On the very same day we encountered the last Magic Tree, we must have happened upon another one or two. Whichever tree contained Blue-Cheeked Cordonbleus and canaries was magic for me. I’ve always been mildly curious about Cordonbleus, which are royalty, I suppose, in the caged bird world. I am happy not to “own” them in any other way than to have some pictures of them in the wild.

Red-Faced Crombec

Red-Faced Crombec

I think the Red-Faced Crombec above was in the original Magic Tree by the look of the  acacia he’s sitting in. The Crombecs are fairly plain-looking and hardly have tails. But I think he’s still kinda cute.

White-Bellied Canary

White-Bellied Canary

There are several species of canaries, and although they’re yellow, they have distinguishing characteristics from the caged variety. I don’t recall hearing them sing, but I may have.

Grosbeak Canary

Grosbeak Canary

Citrils are similar to canaries, but from a separate genus.

African Citril and Blue-Capped Cordonbleu

African Citril and Blue-Capped Cordonbleu

Blue-Capped CordonbleuBlue-Capped Cordonbleu

I think there might be more Cordonbleu pictures from later on in the trip…if I ever get there!

6 thoughts on “Magic Tree II

    • Thanks and I hope so too! Where are you going? Wherever it is I hope you are lucky with the weather, it’s so unpredictable. An excellent guide helps too. 🙂

    • I haven’t kept track of the weather since I returned to the States but when I was there they had not had enough rain, so I hope there has been some before you get there! I look forward to seeing your pictures when you get back.

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